Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Spend less time at the gym and more time outside.

Measuring your caloric burn with the help of the BioTrainer doesn't need to take place just in the gym. Working out can mean working out outdoors.

Tune up the bicycle and take a ride to a place you've passed by in the car but might not have been able to access unless on foot or bike. Go hiking at a local park and plan a (healthy) picnic at the end as your reward. With more daylight at the end of the workday make a date to meet friends at the local tennis or basketball courts.

And for those who are true "gym rats" and don't feel they are getting a real workout unless they're at the health club, try your warm up exercises and stretches in the open air before going inside for a change of pace.

And don't forget the sunscreen and a hat!

Friday, April 6, 2007

We Love: The Clean Between Machine

At BioTrainer we love to keep our bodies fit - and we recognize that healthy teeth and oral hygiene goes hand-in-hand with our fitness goals.

The Clean Between Machine’s ergonomic and cordless design includes a patented click-tip interdental brush system recommended by dental specialists.

The system also includes:

  • Power Handle that oscillates at 7500 rpm to create a gentle soothing vibration that stops the formation of plaque.
  • A Storage Base to remove and prevent plaque accumulation around the gum line
  • A Sonic Gum Stimulator to prevent tooth decay and gum disease, reaching where floss cannot
  • A Sonic Toothbrush to give your teeth a remarkably clean feeling
  • Sonic Tongue Cleaner to freshen your breath
  • 18 Interdental Brush Tips

Getting to all those hard-to-reach places can be hard, but the Sonic Clean Between Machine glides easily between teeth, deep into interdental pockets to sweep away food and debris that can breed bacteria, preventing periodontal disease. Visit their website for a special savings offer!

Monday, April 2, 2007

How clean is your gym?

Bacteria grow in warm, wet environments. Ask any emergency room attendant why it’s so cold in the ER and they’ll tell you it’s to stop breeding bacteria.

Most gyms leave it to the members to wipe the equipment down themselves after use. A good facility should provide paper towels and spray cleaner. Use it before you work out as you don’t know if the person before you might have used a sweaty towel to wipe down. And be thoughtful to wipe it down again after you’ve worked out.

To further protect yourself, wear long sleeves and long pants. Don’t hang your towel over the equipment. Bring your own towels as there is no guarantee your gym is washing its towels in bleach and rinsed in hot water. Don’t sit down naked or put clean clothing down on benches in the locker room; you don’t know what was sitting there before. And of course, wear flip flops in the shower.