Sunday, March 25, 2007

How the BioTrainer works

The BioTrainer quantifies motion; it records your movements and gives measurements in one of two ways:

• Activity Units - This is a method measuring your overall physical activity based on your body movements. Activity units CAN’T be affected by other factors such as age or weight. With activity units, The BioTrainer can be worn on different body parts depending on the activity or type of exercise.
• Calories - It can accurately calculate the calories burned as a result of exercise. You actually burn calories in two ways:

One is physical activity calories (which the BioTrainer measures), that are burned as a result of engaging in physical activity, such as exercise.

The other way is metabolic calories, which result from the body’s natural metabolic rate, even when you are inactive. Some of these would include breathing, digesting food, sitting, sleeping, and other “non-exercise” activities.